He’s solving the seeds for Four Roses
IN A FEW MONTHS, this field will turn to gold, with rich, firm grain waving in die summer breeze.
The best of die grain will go to Frankfort, to be used in making Four Roses Whiskey. But it won’t go to Frankfort right away.
For Frankfort insists that all the grain that goes into Four Roses Whiskey must be properly aged. After the harvest, the grain must he seasoned—till the moisture is gone and the grain has the hard, flinty soundness necessary for line whiskey.
There’s a good reason for tins fussiness about grain. Our 70 years of experience have taught us that, when die goal is really great whiskey, the most painstaking care is necessary every step of die way.
Tilts care is evident in our adherence to the slow, costly old-fashioned way in which we distill the straight whiskies that go into Four Roses. And most of all, it is evident in the careful, skillful wav these Straight whiskies are blended so as to give to Four Roses the outstanding virtues, not of one whiskey alone, hut of several!
So you sec it’s not an accident dial Four Roses is die glorious whiskey it is. We’ve been making whiskey since 1865—and we honestly believe that Four Roses is the best we or anyone else has ever made. One sip—and you’ll know Four Roses is die whiskey you’ve been looking for.
Frankfort Distilleries, Louisville and Baltimore, make Four Roses, 94 proof, Paul Jones, 92 proof, Old Oscar Pepper, Mattingly & Moore, both 90 proof —and all blends of straight whiskies.
Send 10c in stamps to Frankfort Distilleries, Louisville, Ky., for “Irvin S. Cobb’s Own Recipe Book.”