March, 1936
Forecast for tonight: bright and warmer
LET the February wind bluster. Let it J rub its icy fingers over your window pane. Inside, you can make the weather bright and warmer—with a cheering drink made with Four Roses!
As you sip, its goodness will comfort and relax you right down to the tips of your toes. Though it’s still February outside the window, it’s June as far as you’re concerned.
But remember this—don’t try to make a good toddy or any other drink with ordinary whiskey. Use Four Roses—and get the finest drink you ever tasted.
For Four Roses is as soft and mellow as moonlight on snow. The whiskies that go into it (and nothing but whiskey goes into Four Roses) are all made in the costly, old-fashioned way, from superior seasoned grain. Then these whiskies are blended together in a way that brings out the best qualities of each. The result is Four Roses—a whiskey that’s rich … that’s fragrant … that’s full-bodied … that is America’s finest whiskey.
Send 10c in stamps for your copy of “Irvin S. Cobb’s Own Recipe Book,” the greatest recipe book ever written. Address: Frankfort Distilleries, Louisville, Ky.
Frankfort Distilleries, Louisville and Baltimore, also make Paul Jones, Old Oscar Pepper, Mattingly & Moore—all blends of straight whiskies.
A blend of straight whiskies—and that means all whiskey