End Your Thanksgiving Day Dinner In An Old-Fashioned Blaze Of Glory!
IT’S your first Repeal Thanksgiving—so celebrate it right!
Over a fat plum pudding, pour Four Roses Whiskey until the pudding is fairly soaked with the flagrant liquor. Then set it aflame, and hear the masterpiece to the table in a blue blaze of glory. What an ending for your dinner! No whiskey was ever used to belter purpose.
And no finer whiskey could be used for this purpose. For the Four Roses of today has all the rich aroma and dulcet flavor that made it famous in the old days.
Four Roses is a product of Frankfort, a company that has been making fine whiskey for four generations. And it is made in their traditionally painstaking way—from mellow, hand-made, aged-in-the-wood whiskies. No tricks!
Right now, lay in a supply of Four Roses for Thanksgiving. Mix your pre-dinner cocktails with it—use it for your after-dinner highballs. Ask for Four Roses, too, in hotels and restaurants. You can be certain of its parity. For it comes sealed in the patented Frankfort Pack that must be destroyed before the bottle within it can he removed.
“Irvin S. Cobb’s Own Recipe Book,” written as only Mr. Cobb could write it, is now ready. Send 10c in stamps for your copy. Address Frankfort Distilleries, Incorporated, Dept. 403, Louisville.
Four Roses
Made by Frankfort
Louisville • Baltimore
Frankfort makes a whiskey for every taste and purse: PAUL JONES, Antique, Old Oscar Pepper, Shipping Port.