CHRISTOPHER & CO. have much pleasure in presenting those of their Customers who prefer Cocktails to the old-fashioned custom of a glass of Dry Sherry before meals, with a booklet containing a large number of recipes for Cocktails, compiled by a well-known expert in mixing these drinks.
Notwithstanding the modern popularity for Cocktails, Christopher & Co. remain stubborn in their opinion begotten of over one hundred years’ experience as Wine Merchants, that a glass of Fine Dry Sherry is undoubtedly the best and most wholesome appetiser.
“I often wonder what the Vintners buy, One half so precious as the goods they sell.”
We are largely indebted to Mr. Andre” L. Simon for the following abridged articles on the Production of Wines.
From the Book “Harry” of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails by Harry MacElhone, London, 1921.