This cocktail must, of course, be thoroughly shaken immediately before serving. Put into a jug two glasses of whisky, two and a half glasses of French Vermouth, and half a glass of Eau de Vie de Framboise. Add the juice of half an orange, a teaspoonful of Eau de Fleurs d’Oranger, three juniper berries, a small piece of cinnamon and a little grated nutmeg. Stir well with a silver spoon and pour the mixture into a litre bottle through a very fine strainer. Shake the bottle and ice for an hour.
For this cocktail put a few cloves in a jug three quarters full of whisky, add three or four drops of Orange Bitters, and fill up with any strongly-flavoured sweet liqueur, Grand Marnier, Cointreau, or Curacao, then proceed with the shaker as usual and serve.
Here is an example of an entirely simple cocktail much in favour with the inhabitants of the West Indies. Take a jug which will hold exactly the required amount, put in a little over one third of whisky and fill it with equal parts of French or Italian Vermouth. Pour the mixture into a shaker half full of crushed ice, shake well and serve,
(Very Dry)
Three glasses of whisky, two of French Vermouth and half a glass of orange juice. Put into the shaker with a little grated nutmeg, and serve with an olive in the glass.
Four glasses of whisky, and one of Curacao. Mix with a teaspoonful of prune syrup. You must, for this cocktail, use more ice, and shake more thoroughly than is usual.
Three glasses of whisky mixed with three glasses of sweetened pineapple juice. Before shaking add a dash of Wormwood Bitters, and when the cocktails are poured out squeeze a piece of fresh lemon peel over each glass.
First put two or three sprigs of mint into the shaker. Rub them round with a spoon and then pour in three glasses of whisky. Let this stand for a few minutes. Add three glasses of sweetened lemon juice and ice, and shake very thoroughly for longer than usual.
Three glasses of whisky and two of French Vermouth. Add one glass of Créme de Parfait Amour, a dash of Absinthe and two or three dashes of Wormwood bitters. Shake very well.
Put four glasses of whisky into the shaker with a teaspoonful of soft sugar and a few drops of Orange Bitters. Add more ice than usual and shake for longer, so that some of the ice melts to make up the required quantity.
Four glasses of whisky, two of Absinthe, and a dash of Wormwood bitters. This cocktail should be shaken very thoroughly and no sugar should be added.
Two glasses and a half of green China tea, brewed strong but not allowed to stand on the leaves more than five minutes, one teaspoonful of syrup or a heaping teaspoonful of castor sugar, three glasses old Scotch or Irish liqueur whisky.
Five lumps of sugar dissolved (unless a very dry cocktail is desired), one pudding spoonful Angostura Bitters, five glasses of whisky. Leave a large lump of ice in the shaker until it is frosted, then shake and serve.
One pudding spoonful of Orange Bitters, one teaspoonful of syrup or sugar dissolved, two glasses and a half of Italian Vermouth, three glasses of Scotch Whisky. Ice and shake.