For the Pink-Jowled, Round-Paunched, Side-Whiskered Lover of Red, Gold, Purple and Plain White Wines
Roast four bitter oranges until they are of a pale brown color. Lay them in a tureen and cover them with a half pound of granulated sugar, adding three glasses of Claret. Cover the tureen and let it stand until the next day. Then place the tureen in a pan of boiling water, press the oranges with a spoon, until the juice spurts, and run the juice through a sieve to strain it clear. Add to it two glassfuls of boiling Claret and serve warm in goblets. Port wine may be substituted for Claret, and lemons may be used instead of oranges, but this is not often done when Claret is used.
Mulled Muscatel
Into a pot of boiling water put a suitable quantity of cloves, cinnamon and grated nutmeg. When the flavor becomes pungent to the nostrils pour in an equal amount of Muscatel wine in which a few teaspoonfuls of sugar have been dissolved. Bring the whole to the boiling point, and serve piping hot with crisp dry toast. Mulled wine can be made with Port, Claret or Madeira.
Claret Cup
Mix into a container one bottle of Claret wine, a half pint of iced water, a tablespoonful of powdered sugar, and one teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon, cloves and allspice, mixed. Squirt in the juice of a small lemon. Stir the ingredients well together, adding the thin rind of the lemon. This is a delicate summer beverage for evening parties.
Sherry Egg Nog
Pour into a large bar glass two wine-glasses of Sherry wine, a well-beaten egg and fill rest with rich creamy milk. Add a few lumps of ice. Stir thoroughly and strain into a large goblet. Grate a little nutmeg on top and remove ice before serving.
Rhine and Seltzer
Fill a glass half full of Rhine wine. Add ice and fill up with seltzer water. Serve very cold. This is an excellent thirst quencher.
Sherry Cobbler
Into a large glass put one tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, one-quarter of an orange cut up into pieces and two small pieces of pineapple. Fill the glass nearly full of shaved ice, then fill up with Sherry wine. Ornament the top with berries in season, and serve with straws.
Champagne Cobbler
Fill container one-third full of shaved ice, throw in a piece of orange or lemon peel, fill up with Champagne, ornament with berries in season and serve with straws.
Baclanova Nectar
In a large container peel and shred fine the rind of half a lemon, add a tablespoonful of powdered sugar and the juice of a whole lemon. Cut in a few thin slices of cucumber with the peel on. Add a bottle of Claret, a pint of Champagne and a bottle of seltzer water. Fill with ice, stir thoroughly and serve.
Sherrio Cocktail
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
Champagne Cocktail
In a goblet place one lump of loaf sugar saturated with Angostura bitters, one cube of ice and one piece of twisted lemon peel. Fill the goblet with cold Champagne, stir with a spoon and serve.
Port Wine Sangaree
Into a glass of Port wine put in a half teaspoonful of powdered sugar, and add a few small lumps of ice. Shake up well, strain into a claret goblet and serve with a little grated nutmeg on top.