American Lemonade.
Put a table-spoonful of castor sugar and the strained juice of a lemon into a large tumbler with a wineglassful of water and half fill it with shaved ice. Add a large table-spoonful of strawberry syrup, and fill up with soda water. Put a slice of lemon or orange on the top, and serve with a straw.
American Tea Punch.
Put 1 pint of hot tea into a bowl, add 2 oz. castor sugar, the strained juice of a small lemon, and a gill each of good brandy and Jamaica rum. Place in an ice-cave until cold, then serve in wine glasses.
Brain Duster.
Put half a teaspoonful of castor sugar and half a wineglassful each of absinthe and vermouth into a glass, add some iced seltzer water, and serve.
Brandy Cocktail.
Half fill a large tumbler with shaved ice, add half a gill of brandy, half a gill of curaçao and ginger syrup mixed, and 2 teaspoonfuls of orange bitters.
Brandy Mint Julep.
Put two small lumps of sugar into a tumbler with a wineglassful of brandy, and when dissolved add 2 sprigs of fresh mint and a little shaved ice. Place a thin slice of pineapple and orange on the top, and serve.
Brandy Punch.
Put a gill of water into a large glass, add 2 teaspoonfuls of castor sugar, a table-spoonful of raspberry syrup, the strained juice of half a lemon and orange, two thin slices of pineapple and a gill of brandy. Fill up the glass with shaved ice, and serve.
Brandy Shake.
Put equal parts of Maraschino and brandy into a liqueur glass, add a few drops of Angostura bitters, and serve.
Brandy Skin.
Half fill a large tumbler with shaved ice, add a wineglassful of brandy, the juice of a lemon, 2 teaspoonfuls of icing sugar, and half a table-spoonful of strawberry syrup. Shake well, strain and servo.
Brandy Smash.
Half fill a glass with shaved ice, add a large teaspoonful of castor sugar, three slices of pineapple, the same quantity of lemon, and a wine-glassful of brandy. Shake well, and strain.
Put a gill of Jamaica rum into a large glass, add a slice of orange, 2 drops of essence of cloves, 1 drop of essence of peppermint, and fill up with iced soda water or shaved ice.
Corpse Reviver.
Fill a liqueur glass with equal portions of green Chartreuse and Maraschino, and put a dash of noyeau on the top, and serve at once.
Eye Opener.
Put a tea-spoonful of castor sugar, a beaten egg and a liqueur glassful each of brandy and rum into a tumbler, fill up with iced soda water or shaved ice, and serve.
Floster (No. 1).
Put a large table-spoonful each of kirsch, sherry and either cherry syrup or cherry water ice into a tumbler, and fill up with well iced seltzer water.
Floster (No. 2).
Put 2 slices of lemon, a sliced peach, half a gill of noyeau, ½ oz. castor sugar, and a gill of sherry into a tumbler with a small lump of ice, and fill up with iced soda water.
Gin Cocktail.
Half fill a tumbler with shaved ice, add a strip of lemon rind, a wineglassful of unsweetened gin, a table-spoonful of orange bitters, and sugar to taste. Shake well, strain and serve with the lemon rind on the top.
Gin Mint Julep.
Put a lump of sugar and a teaspoonful of water into a glass, add a large sprig of mint, 2 slices of pineapple, a wineglassful of gin and some shaved ice, and serve.
Gin Rickey.
Put a small piece of ice at the bottom of a small glass, add a small table-spoonful of lemon juice, a wineglassful of gin, and fill up with iced seltzer water.
Ice Cream Soda.
Put a large table-spoonful each of strawberry and vanilla ice cream into a tumbler, add a very little shaved ice, and fill up with iced soda water, holding the bottle or syphon containing the latter high above the glass.
Iced Egg Nogg.
Beat the yolks of 2 eggs with a large teaspoonful of castor sugar till light, then add a table-spoonful of cold water, ½ gill of brandy, a gill of sherry and half a pint of new milk. Fill up the tumbler with shaved ice, and serve.
Put a well beaten fresh egg and a gill of cold strong coffee into a large glass, add 2 table-spoonfuls of port, 1 of brandy and 1 of shaved ice ; shake well, strain and serve.
John Collins.
Half fill a large tumbler with shaved ice, add a table-spoonful of strained lemon juice, a tea-spoonful of castor sugar, a slice of lemon and pineapple, and a glass of gin. Fill up with iced soda water and serve.
Lemon Squash.
Half fill a glass with shaved ice, add the strained juice of a large lemon and castor sugar to taste, fill up with iced soda water and serve.
Put half a wineglassful each of whisky and vermouth into a glass, add a dash of curaçao and Angostura bitters, and sugar to taste. Fill up with shaved ice, shake and serve with a thin slice of lemon on the top.
Martini Cocktail.
Half fill a tumbler with shaved ice, add half a wineglassful each of Italian vermouth and unsweetened gin, a dash of orange bitters and castor sugar to taste. Serve with a strip of lemon rind on the top.
Mint Julep.
Put 6 sprigs of fresh mint into a tumbler, add a liqueur glassful each of brandy and peach brandy, and sugar to taste, and fill up with chipped ice.
Mix together a large teaspoonful of honey, a few drops of lemon juice, a wineglassful of cognac and half a pint of hot cider, and place the glass in ice till required.
Pineapple Julep.
Put a gill each of gin and raspberry syrup into a jug, add the strained juice of a large orange, ¾ gill of Maraschino, ¾ lb. crushed ice, a sliced pineapple cut into small pieces, and lastly a bottle of Sparkling Moselle, and serve in small glasses.
Put the beaten yolk of a fresh egg, 1 oz. castor sugar, a dessert-spoonful each of orange syrup and orange-flower water, and a teaspoonful of lemon juice into a tumbler, and fill it up with boiling water.
Rum Rickey.
Put a small lump of ice into a small glass, add a dessert-spoonful of lime juice and a wine glassful of rum, and fill up with iced seltzer water.
Sam Ward’s Kummel.
Fill a claret glass three parts full with shaved ice and a little lemon rind, and fill up with Kummel.
Half fill a large tumbler with shaved ice, add a wineglassful of brandy, two teaspoonfuls of Maraschino, one of Angostura bitters, two of pineapple juice, and castor sugar to taste. Shake well, strain into another tumbler, add half a glass of champagne, and serve with one or two ripe strawberries and a strip of lemon rind on the top.
Put the strained juice of an orange and half a lemon, 2 slices of pineapple, a table-spoonful of raspberry syrup or vinegar, a gill of brandy, and sugar to taste into a large tumbler and fill up with well iced soda water.
Sherry Cobbler.
Half fill a tumbler with shaved ice, add two teaspoonfuls of strained orange juice, one of sugar and a gill of sherry, shake well and serve with a straw.
Silver Dream.
Mix together a wineglassful of good unsweetened gin, a teaspoonful of castor sugar, the beaten white of an egg, a dessert-spoonful of strained lemon-juice, and a table-spoonful of shaved ice. Fill up the tumbler with iced seltzer water.
Silver Fizz.
Well beat the white of an egg, add a wineglassful of gin, and the strained juice of half a lemon. Pour on to half a tumblerful of shaved ice, shake well, strain into a glass containing a teaspoonful of castor sugar, and a good pinch of carbonate of soda, and serve at once.
Sloe-gin Cocktail.
Half fill a glass with shaved ice, add a wine-glassful of sloe gin, and a dash of orange bitters and serve.
Strawberry Fizz.
Crush 4 large ripe strawberries, and put them into a glass with a few drops of lemon juice, a teaspoonful of sugar, and a wineglassful of gin, then fill up with iced soda water.
Half fill a tumbler with shaved ice, add a teaspoonful of Angostura bitters, a large table-spoonful of brandy, two of sherry, and sugar and vanilla essence to taste. Shake well and serve with a strip of lemon rind on the top.
Soak the thinly pared rind of a large lemon in a gill of water for 6 hours, then strain, add a thin slice of pineapple, five ripe strawberries, 2 oz. shaved ice, and 2 gills of Jamaica rum.
Whisky Sour.
Mix together equal quantities of good whisky and lemon juice, and ice well before serving.
Whisky Cocktail.
Put two large table-spoonfuls of whisky and a teaspoonful of Angostura bitters into a glass, add sugar to taste, and 2 drops of cinnamon essence, and 6 oz. shaved ice.
Whisky Punch.
Put 8 oz. shaved ice into a jug, add 4 wine-glassfuls of whisky, a large table-spoonful of castor sugar, and 2 table-spoonfuls of strained lemon juice. Shake well, strain into small glasses, and serve with thin slices of orange and pineapple on the top.
Whisky Mint Julep.
Put 6 sprigs of fresh mint, and 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar into a glass, add a wineglassful of whisky and fill up with shaved ice.