Smart custom calls for Angostura Bitters in cocktails. Generously used, it insures perfect blending of ingredients. Add to this fact another big reason why Angostura “belongs”. It is the prescription of Dr. Siegert and has a tonic, appetizing quality that adds to the pick-me-up value of a cocktail — makes a drink a true aperitif!
Angostura Dr. Siegerts Bitters
A Tonic Appetizer “Good for the Stomach”
Angostura-Wuppermann Corp. • 155 East 44th Street, New York, N. Y.
Angostura Bitters has always ‘belonged’ in drinks smart people serve and order! It blends ingredients together — gives cocktails a velvet-smoothness! Angostura does this — and more, besides! For it’s the prescription of Dr. Siegert and has a tonic, stimulating quality that adds to the pick-me-up value of a cocktail — makes appetites wake up and sing!
Angostura Dr. Siegerts Bitters
A Tonic Appetizer “Good for the Stomach”
Old Fashioned
Whiskey and Bitters
Gin and Bitters
Whiskey Sour
Sherry and Bitters
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Angostura-Wuppermann Corp. • 155 East 44th Street, New York, N. Y.
In the best homes and in the finest bars, Angostura is invariably used to make good drinks better. For these long-famed bitters make a cocktail or tall drink smooth as silk and give a fillip and a dash that is a “must” for particular people. Indeed, it’s the Angostura that brings out the flavor of ingredients and develops a mixture into a mellow drink.
Prove yourself a real sophisticate and see to it that Angostura — several generous dashes of it — goes into the drinks you order and the” drinks you serve at home. You’ll appreciate the difference Angostura makes.
Angostura Dr. Siegerts Bitters
A Tonic Appetizer “Good for the Stomach”
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Angostura-Wuppermann Corp. • 155 East 44th Street, N. Y. C.
Wherever fastidious people gather for a pleasant drink, wherever quality comes first, Angostura Bitters
is present in cocktails and tall drinks. For Angostura brings out the delicate flavors of ingredients and mingles them together. It adds a tangy zest and savor and insures the silken smoothness that particular people demand.
For that noticeable difference in goodness — whether you order out or play host at home — be certain that
several generous dashes of Angostura
Bitters go into your drinks.
Angostura Dr. Siegerts Bitters
A Tonic Appetizer “Good for the Stomach”
Write for Free Mixing Guide
Angostura-Wuppermann Corp. • 155 East 44th Street, N. Y. C.